Daffodils in Pickering, North Yorkshire
Very overgrown bit of the graveyard...not sure why this part isn't maintained like the rest!
I think the rose & scythe image means someone was cut down in their prime...
The old Liberal Club building, now home to the Thirsk & Malton Lib Dems--so that answered my question about Liberal vs. Liberal Democrats...They're the same.
Pickering's High Street
We went to this Beck Isle Museum--a lovely little museum that's housed in an old college. This room was done up like a chemist's shop
My favorite is "Female Pills"
This room was done up like a nursery--I love those alphabet cards
And the doll house
Happy Families
Victorian-themed front room in the museum
This was on an old egg incubator in the barn's farming displays--"I get plenty of fresh eggs and lusty chicks from my own hens..."
Last weekend we went to Malham again and the weather was gorgeous--and it's lambing season!
So cute! I kept stopping to take photos, so the 1 mile walk took a long time...
Janet's Foss, a lovely little waterfall near Malham Cove
Richard & me in front of Janet's Foss
More lambs!
I love this one--so sweet!
Richard & me in front of Malham Cove
Limestone pavement at Malham
The climb up to the top is very steep, but the view really is worth it...