Saturday, September 29, 2007

More scenes of Bath

So, this is a reference to 'Little Britain'--when Vicky Pollard said she showed somebody her "Muller fruit corner"'s a plain, very creamy yogurt with a fruit topping on the side, up in the corner. Not really that exciting of a find, unless you're as into Little Britain as I am, and never understood what Vicky was saying...

The Circus

The trees in the middle of the Circus are huge & obviously very old

The Royal Crescent (it's Saturday, so there were lots of tourists)

A house on Sydney Place that reminded me of "Persuasion"

The Royal Crescent, seen from across the park

A side street in Bath--the wall on the right is part of the Medieval city wall. It's had centuries to grow all that moss.

The Royal Crescent

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